Special Tasks Training

 You can access the training class in Canvas by clicking on the link. To request information about training on different topics or request a training session in person, call 726-7139.

Course Name
Class Method
Autoclave In Person - EHSO Staff Once for New Employees
Centrifuge Safety In Person - PI Once for New Employees
Compressed Gas In Person - PI Once for New Employees
Controlled Substances Canvas Once for New Employees
Ergonomics Canvas Informational
Electrical Safety in the Lab In Person - PI Once for New Employees
DEHS Formaldehyde Canvas New Employees, Annual refreshers
High Hazard Chemicals (shock sensitive, pyrophoric, etc.) In Person - PI New Employees and Annual Refresher - cover in Lab Specific Training
Hearing Conservation In Person - PI or online video New Employees and Annual Refresher - can cover in Lab Specific Training
Laser Safety Canvas Required every 3 years for all employees using or working in the same area while a class 3B or 4 laser is in use
Research Occupational Health Program Introduction (ROHP) Canvas or PI Once for New Employees
Respiratory Protection Canvas New Employees, Annual refreshers
DEHS Safe Use of Anesthetic Gases Canvas or PI Informational
Shipping Hazardous Materials Contact EHSO for link or cd Every 2 years if shipping hazardous material
Shipping Dry Ice and Exempt Specimens  Canvas Every 2 years if shipping dry ice or exempt material
 Work with Silica EHSO, PI, Supervisor New Employee and Annual Refresher