Pet Directive Information
Unauthorized Animals or Pets on Campus
Historically, there have been concerns regarding animals (primarily dogs) in University buildings or on the grounds. These complaints originate from students, staff, and faculty. The nature of complaints includes: disruption in the classroom, allergies, and sanitation of the buildings and grounds.
Specific animals are important to the University community and are invaluable in terms of research and training. When animals are appropriately used by the University, they are under the guidance of the Animal Care Committee, Veterinary School, or College of Agriculture. Under these usages, the housing and sanitation concerns are properly addressed.
Service animals are animals trained to assist people with disabilities in the activities of normal living. The definition in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is “…any…animal individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including, but not limited to, guiding individuals with impaired vision, alerting individuals who are hearing impaired to intruders or sounds, providing minimal protection or rescue work, pulling a wheelchair, or fetching dropped items.” Service animals accompanying a person with disabilities are allowed, by law, access to public buildings.
There are also special circumstances in which an animal, with approval, is permitted access to buildings and grounds. The following directive does not apply to “approved” animals in University buildings or on University grounds.
"In order to minimize unnecessary maintenance, sanitation problems, and classroom distraction, no unauthorized animals or pets will be allowed in University buildings. When pets are walked across University grounds, the standards established in the animal control ordinances or legislative codes of the local community will prevail."
Individuals who bring unauthorized animals into University buildings will be asked to remove them. Repeated violators may be subject to the disciplinary procedures outlined in the Student Code of Conduct, or applicable employment rules. The animal(s) may be removed by the local animal control officials.
This directive should help reduce problems related to animals (pets) on campus.
For additional information, contact us at [email protected].