Substances registered with the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) should be sent to the Chemical Waste Program for proper disposal. A list of the controlled substances most commonly found in research and clinical labs at the University are listed in this Guidebook (see Table 5-1).
All registrants transferring controlled substances must complete a Controlled Substance Disposal Form. One One Controlled Substance Disposal Form should be prepared for each package of substances submitted for transfer. It is important to include the DEA Registrant number. If you do not have one, indicate "unknown" or "abandoned" in the box. Include your department. building and room number in the "From" section. Mail or fax one copy of the completed Controlled Substance Disposal Form to DEHS. The mailing address is:
University of Minnesota - TCEM
501 23rd Ave SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455
Attn. Jon Wentworth
Fax: 612-626-1571
Retain one copy of Disposal Form for your records. DEHS will schedule the transfer of the controlled substances. DEHS will complete a Form 222 for Schedule II substances submitted for transfer.
Prior to transfer, the authorized transporter (DEHS staff) will verify that the inventory of controlled substance containers agrees with the Disposal Form. Both the registrant and transporter will sign and date the Disposal Form. A copy of the document with two signatures will be left with the registrant. This receipt should be stored with your CS files. The controlled substances will be transported to and stored at the Thompson Center for Environmental Management (TCEM). Periodically EHS will arrange for witnessed destruction of the controlled substances. This destruction will be documented on the EHS copy of the Disposal Form and the Disposal Forms will be filed at TCEM.
Researchers who have excess controlled substances in syringes after a research procedure are required to collect the excess in a slurry bottle and document the contents of the slurry bottle on a Controlled Substance Disposal Form. Use the same procedure as above to initiate collection.
In order to obtain a slurry bottle, contact Hazardous Waste 218-726-6764. Indicate your name, department, phone number, location (building and room number) and Campus Mail address to facilitate the delivery.
Table 5-1 Typical Controlled Substances
Amobarbital | Ketamine | Pentobarbital |
Amphetamine | Mescaline | Phenobarbital |
Barbital | Methadone | Sodium Amytal |
Butethal | Methamphetamine | Sodium Barbital |
Chloral Hydrate | Methaqualone | Sodium Secobarbital |
Cocaine | Morphine | Tetracaine |
Codeine | Morphine Sulfate | Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) |
Diazepam | PCP | Thiobarbituric Acid |
Heroin |